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Lesson-9: How to start Social media marketing – (5 working tips for beginners) | Ankur Aggarwal

Complete Playlist of Digital marketing course (20 FREE lessons): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLifnQOsGyOSRMYndHku6pNlLYckbBuOGU

Lesson-1: Introduction to Digital Marketing : https://youtu.be/wfOp0lsCXAY
Who is ankur aggarwal?, meet your trainer: https://youtu.be/CB4o-hFbWoE
Lesson-2: Digital Marketing Modules: https://youtu.be/DqKFjgGvbnU
Lesson-3: How to start your blog.(Hosting,Domain name): https://youtu.be/FgtB4fWIjRE
Lesson-4: Set up your blog like a professional blogger: https://youtu.be/ZjVoShBahRg
Lesson-5: Driving traffic to your Blog/Website (Various Channels): https://youtu.be/ZCRNCNDm8MQ
Lesson-6: What is SEO: What is On page SEO and how to write an article: https://youtu.be/N8DhIndTi6E
Lesson-7: Off-page SEO – What are Backlinks? (My working strategies revealed): https://youtu.be/QYrupSGZ3B8
Lesson-8: Master the basics of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster: https://youtu.be/i8EgzE0QU6Y
Lesson-9: Affiliate Marketing (How i make $3-10k/month): https://youtu.be/SLE72I-2lv8
Lesson-10: How to start Social media marketing – (5 essential working tips for beginners): https://youtu.be/TzATuJefUkc
Lesson-11: Instagram marketing step-by-step : How to get 10,000 followers in 30 days: https://youtu.be/7NHOzZyDqDw
Lesson-12: Youtube Marketing explained in 13 minutes (Backed by data):https://youtu.be/wc0PV2z_04o
Lesson-13: Facebook Ads in 2019 : From Facebook Ads Beginner to EXPERT: https://youtu.be/x01Xv_Vqxw8
Lesson-14: Google Adwords Fundamentals : How to create your first campaign: https://youtu.be/fVJ1QS2_K4c
Lesson-15: Content Marketing: Hidden tactics and strategies: https://youtu.be/thpmu3i1-Kg
Lesson-16: Email Marketing for beginners ($0 to $10,000/month) – Case studies included: https://youtu.be/IwayrUN9R4A
Lesson-17: Landing page: How to Make a Beautiful landing page : https://youtu.be/Pk0USzDxfsg
Lesson-18: ORM – What is online reputation management: https://youtu.be/rtWs2CJ6H90
Lesson-19: Freelancing: How to make money as a freelancer (Tips and tricks): https://youtu.be/iWR3se1Y1UU
Lesson-20: How to get Digital Marketing job? : https://youtu.be/um1KoEkjk6I

Follow me on Instagram to join me on Live Sessions for Q/A and doubt removal: http://bit.ly/2HbZOej
Join 20,000+ other members taking the same course: http://bit.ly/2FAjvu2
Subscribe to our youtube channel for more free courses (I launch 2 free courses each month): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-7zF4kZkadrzJIxxEkCsaQ?sub_confirmation=1

This content was originally published here.


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